
Our Mission

360 Degrees of Neurological Innovation

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NEURO360 aims to transform St. Louis' emerging neuroscience ecosystem into a thriving Engine.

In conjunction with our region’s leaders in academia, community organizations, entrepreneurs, government, healthcare, venture capital and workforce development, NEURO360 envisions a thriving, inclusive, and sustainable neuroscience ecosystem in the St. Louis region.

Leveraging St. Louis’ nationally recognized research in neuroscience and neurotechnology, bolstered by a new, state-of-the-art academic neuroscience research building – the largest of its kind in the country – NEURO360 will continue driving momentum toward expanding world-class academic research, developing bioscience and tech innovation ecosytems, building innovation districts, and creating regional strategic plans such as the STL 2030 Jobs Plan. Together, we aim to strategically improve the economy through innovation and entrepreneurship, setting a new standard for the future of neuroscience.

NEURO360 will enable advancement of numerous broader impacts as the entirety of our focus will benefit society through neuro advancements.

NEURO360 seeks to deliver outcomes and impacts to advance neuroscience innovation and societal well-being.

Scientific Literacy

Increased public scientific literacy and public engagement with science and technology. Not only will NEURO360 increase public scientific literacy through standard activities such as social media outreach, workshops and seminars, we will also integrate public engagement within the context of our technology innovation through community service.


Increased partnerships between academia, industry, entrepreneurs, and others: Our model of innovation will center deep integration across academia, industry, entrepreneurs, and the public to ensure increased deepening partnerships across diverse stakeholders.


Development of a diverse, globally competitive workforce: NEURO360 will create new opportunities for training a globally competitive workforce within higher education and implement workforce training activities outside of academia.


Further participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in STEM through project design and implementation, resource allocation, and lasting and transformative impact that enables communities to thrive in the innovation ecosystem. We will adopt project goals and metrics to ensure we track the development and delivery of increased diverse participation.


Improved national security. NEURO360 will enhance national security by developing advanced neuro technologies, therapeutics, and mobile applications that improve the health, readiness, and capabilities of citizens broadly, as well as military personnel. By fostering innovations in brain-computer interfaces, imaging, mental health support, and rehabilitation tools, NEURO360 will address critical challenges faced by the defense sector and support Americans’ well-being.


Enhanced infrastructure for research and education: We will enhance existing infrastructure and develop new resources to support research and educational activities. This will include lab space, ecosystem building space, start-up support, incubator space, and more to enable NEURO360’s vision.

Exponential growth in neuroscience knowledge has set the stage for a sea change in technology and economic growth that will profoundly impact the future of the United States. Neurotechnology breakthroughs can address regional, national, and societal challenges by transforming advanced computing and artificial intelligence (AI) paradigms, enhancing education and learning, maximizing workforce participation, and mitigating the health and social impacts of aging, injury, mental health challenges, and substance use.

Increased public scientific literacy and public engagement with science and technology. Not only will NEURO360 increase public scientific literacy through standard activities such as social media outreach, workshops and seminars, we will also integrate public engagement within the context of our technology innovation through community service.

Increased partnerships between academia, industry, entrepreneurs, and others: Our model of innovation will center deep integration across academia, industry, entrepreneurs, and the public to ensure increased deepening partnerships across diverse stakeholders.

Further participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities

Development of a diverse, globally competitive workforce: NEURO360 will create new opportunities for training a globally competitive workforce within higher education and implement workforce training activities outside of academia.

Improved national security. NEURO360 will enhance national security by developing advanced neuro technologies, therapeutics, and mobile applications that improve the health, readiness, and capabilities of citizens broadly, as well as military personnel. By fostering innovations in brain-computer interfaces, imaging, mental health support, and rehabilitation tools, NEURO360 will address critical challenges faced by the defense sector and support Americans’ well-being.

Enhanced infrastructure for research and education: We will enhance existing infrastructure and develop new resources to support research and educational activities. This will include lab space, ecosystem building space, start-up support, incubator space, and more to enable NEURO360’s vision.

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Our Mission

Transform St. Louis' emerging neuroscience ecosystem

NEURO360 aims to transform St. Louis' emerging neuroscience ecosystem into a thriving Engine, ready for national recognition and regional expansion. In conjunction with our region’s leaders in academia, industry, community organizations, and venture capital, NEURO360 envisions a thriving, inclusive, and sustainable neuroscience ecosystem in the St. Louis region. Leveraging St. Louis’s nationally recognized research in neuroscience and neurotechnology, bolstered by a new, state-of-the-art academic neuroscience research building – the largest of its kind in the country – NEURO360 is set to capitalize on the recent momentum driven by academic, corporate, philanthropic, civic, and community leaders. Together, we aim to strategically improve the economy through innovation and entrepreneurship, setting a new standard for the future of neuroscience.

Neuro360 will enable advancement of numerous Broader Impacts as the entirety of our Engine focus will benefit society through neuro advancements. The specific Broader Impacts we seek to measure and set specific outcomes for include these six goals